Music Saved onto DVD?

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Music Saved onto DVD?

Post by Lurch »

I was going to try to burn some MP3 files to DVD but my Dell 7010 only has a DVD ROM.
As it is now, I save MP3s to a flash drive, then play them on my Sony CDP CE500 or in my car.

Would saving dozens of MP3 albums to DVD be a good idea?
Do they sound as good on DVD?
It seems that at least one of my CD players would play them.

A dual layer DVD burner, are they able to store 2x as much music files per DVD?

Thank you.
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Post by Easto »


The media they're recorded on should not effect the quality of the sound. The quality is determined by the quality of the DAC in your equipment whether that be in your car or Sony player. I have found that keeping my music files on my SSD and on various flash drives to be the best solution. At the resolution that I render my CD's to MP3's I have found that I can cram about 360 songs onto a 1 gig flash drive. Get yourself a 32 gig Flash drive and you can listen for days and days without hearing the same song. I also like flash drives because I can add or remove albums/songs as my mood hits me.
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Post by Lurch »

Easto wrote:Lurch,

The media they're recorded on should not effect the quality of the sound. The quality is determined by the quality of the DAC in your equipment whether that be in your car or Sony player. I have found that keeping my music files on my SSD and on various flash drives to be the best solution. At the resolution that I render my CD's to MP3's I have found that I can cram about 360 songs onto a 1 gig flash drive. Get yourself a 32 gig Flash drive and you can listen for days and days without hearing the same song. I also like flash drives because I can add or remove albums/songs as my mood hits me.
Sounds like a good idea. I like to edit the titles to something I can recognize from the LCD of the Sony CDP CE500, otherwise, if the title is longer, it takes a few seconds before the letters start moving to the left so I can read the title of the albums. I abbreviate the Alan Parsons Project as "APP" and a short description of the name of the album right after that. You're right, DVD recordings wouldn't be better, and not to access the albums either unless it's a different CDPlayer.

I run two 5 disc CD player, the Sony and an older Technic with MASH that sounds very nice.

I play USB MP3 files on the Sony and it sounds darn good too.

I also have good sounding Sharp single CD player, and an Onkyo C7030 single CD player that I almost sold but changed my mind. It's my best player, supposedly. I got it for about $125 and they now sell for about $350 or more on amazon.
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Post by Philip »

I would sell the Onkyo ;)

I play music from flash drives, and a NAS (network attached storage) at home. Easto is right, mp3s are digital so they won't change quality depending on the media, rather depends on the DAC of the player/receiver. You can record them on CD or DVD, just keep in mind not all players will recognize dual-layer DVDs, they're harder to read for the lasers, it's slightly different technology. CDs can store up to 700 MB of data, single-layer DVDs ~4.7 GB, dual layer 8.5 GB. You can store a lot of mp3s on DVDs, there are some rewritable ones too, but if you like changing stuff, and you have the option to play from flash media (or NAS) that may be better.

It's more of a convenience choice, rather than quality I suppose.
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Post by Lurch »

Philip wrote:I would sell the Onkyo ;)

I play music from flash drives, and a NAS (network attached storage) at home. Easto is right, mp3s are digital so they won't change quality depending on the media, rather depends on the DAC of the player/receiver. You can record them on CD or DVD, just keep in mind not all players will recognize dual-layer DVDs, they're harder to read for the lasers, it's slightly different technology. CDs can store up to 700 MB of data, single-layer DVDs ~4.7 GB, dual layer 8.5 GB. You can store a lot of mp3s on DVDs, there are some rewritable ones too, but if you like changing stuff, and you have the option to play from flash media (or NAS) that may be better.

It's more of a convenience choice, rather than quality I suppose.
I bought a 32 GB flash drive. That should be all I need. Now I have two 16 GB flash drives and a 32GB.
Flash drives are easier to work with than CDs and I like the fact that you can remove and add files.
If I did record on DVDs I'd have to get a DVD burner so I guess I'll pass on that.

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Post by Philip »

Yeah, that's what I've been doing for a few years now, I rarely burn a CD/DVDs and not for music. Thinking about it, I probably only burn CD/DVDs once a year or something if I need it for backup on different media, or for a friend.
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