Beat Jet Lag with these Six Expert Tips

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Beat Jet Lag with these Six Expert Tips

Post by minir »

Jet lag is a bear. Time changes throw your circadian rhythms out of whack, and unless you’re one of those lucky souls who sleep well on planes, a 15-hour flight can leave your body drained and your brain foggy.

But what is a bother for vacationers can be dangerous for flight crews, who have to work through the exhaustion – possibly in emergency situations.

They are constantly changing time zones, switching up sleep schedules and dealing with grumpy passengers when they would rather be at rest.

So who better to approach for tips on how to combat flight-induced fatigue?

For insider secrets, I joined Air Canada rouge recruits at the Disney Institute in Orlando, where – along with training in customer service – they receive expert advice on how to stay alert.

“We wanted to make sure they understand the effects of sleep and nutrition on their body and state of mind,” Renee Smith-Valade says, vice-president of customer experience. “Otherwise it’s going to be tough to deliver that level of customer service.” ... e22697963/


Happy landing :)

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